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A trip of soul discovery during the month of Kartika
Image by Aditya Siva

1290 Euro

1 - 14 November

This trip is different from conventional tourism, where travellers briefly and randomly inspect all the famous sights. It is a pilgrimage in which everything is meaningful, coherent and is subject to traditions. It will enable a new emotional experience, not just impressions. There are towns on our planet, as inaccessible to understanding as they are open. Their secret does not open to anyone, only to people with pure intent and the ability to learn. These towns are surrounded by myths and legends. They are places of interweaving truth and fiction. Different cultures and nations live together and get along there. These mysterious towns with a rich history are constantly changing and improving. They are a kind of wealth of knowledge from which everyone will get as much as he can take.

This trip will take place in the dearest and most sacred month of Kartika, which is very conducive for spiritual practice. This is an extraordinary month of the year, which is particularly blessed with Srimati Radharani, the energy of pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the particularly blessed month of Kartika, because Srimati Radharani draws her attention to service, is committed in this month and awards her causeless mercy. It is said that the benefit derived from devotional service in the month of Kartika is many times greater than the benefits derived from serving during the rest of the year.

Vrindavan, the "city of 5000 temples ", is located on the banks of the holy river Yamuna. One of the most sacred (and beloved by the pilgrims) cities in India. According to an ancient legend, this place was a forest, where Lord Krishna during his earthly incarnation carried out his lilas (games).
Radha Kund is the most sacred place in the universe. The word "Radha" means "the greatest of Krishna worship." Radha Kund is named after Radha because it has the same powers as her - to attract and fascinate Krishna. The repetition of the names of Radha and bathing in Radha Kund attracted Krishna.
Govardhan is the innermost place on earth. "Sweet" mountain is surrounded by an amazing aura of reverence, as if each pilgrim left a trail of his enthusiastic feelings. "Govardhan" - is something that increases the attraction of feelings towards Krishna. It has the nature of personality and blesses humans with an increase of loyalty. Just being in the immediate vicinity of Govardhana Hill, all the feelings of a person reach their spiritual perfection and he experiences a bliss.
Garga Samhita states that Govardhana Hill was once cursed by Pulastya Muni, a powerful mystic and one of the sons of Lord Brahma. The curse was that every day, Govardhan should be reduced to the size of a mustard seed. In accordance with this curse, Govardhan, which was originally twenty kilometers in height, reduced to the size of the hill. Scriptures say that as long as Govardhana Hill and the river Yamuna will remain on Earth, there will be religiousness and God-consciousness. On the day when they will disappear, what should happen after about ten thousand years, Kali-yuga will flourish in full force, and even a hint of religion will be completely gone.
Therefore, while we have the opportunity, it is very favorable to contemplate Govardhan and walk around it!
Varsana is the home of Radharani, located on the four hills. It is one of the most beautiful places.
Agra, Taj Mahal - a love story, sung in stone. The symbol of India, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. White marble domes reflecting in the water and it looks as if the palace of the Taj Mahal was floating.
Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, or the land of "the king's sons." The representatives of the warrior caste here were called king's sons or Rajputs. Rajputs are a sort of Indian samurai. Neither Mughals, who won half of India, nor the British managed to fully subordinate them. Jaipur is a very picturesque and beautiful city, which is sometimes called a "symphony of pink" or Pink city, this color symbolizes the hospitality in the culture of Rajasthan.
Celebrating Deepavali or the "Feast of Lights." It symbolizes the path from darkness (ignorance) to knowledge, the victory of truth over falsehood, good over evil. It is also dedicated to Mahalakshmi (the goddess of wealth and prosperity). The traditional Vedic ceremony for Mahalakshmi is designed to attract prosperity into your life, establishing and maintaining liaison with natural energies.
Haridwar is the door of the Gods. Haridwar is sacred to all. Worshipers of Vishnu call it Haridwar ("Door of Hari", that is - Rama), Shaivites know it as Hardwar ("Hara" - one of the names of Shiva). It is Tapobhumi, the land of sages, where one can gain knowledge that leads to enlightenment.
Rishikesh is the holy city and spiritual center and is considered the world capital of yoga. The Ganges flows through Rishikesh, exactly in this place coming down from the mountains, and the city is full of sadhus, pilgrims and visitors who came to worship the holy river. It is famous for ashrams, where truth-seekers from many different countries study yoga, meditation, art and philosophy.


Day 0 - Departure from any city

Day 1 - Arrival in Delhi, meeting at the airport. Acquaintance with the city, transfer to Kurukshetra, Jyotirsar, Brahma Sarovara, Shiva Temple.

Day 2 - Rishikesh, Ganga Arati.

Day 3 - Rishikesh, cleansing bath in the Ganges, the cave of the sage Vasistha, meditation. Trek to the Waterfall.

Day 4 - Rishikesh, Kunjapuri Shaktipeeth. Free time for shopping.

Day 5 - Vrindavan, Temple of Saturn, Yamuna Puja

Day 6 - Parikrama around Vrindavan (11 km). Free time.

Day 7 - Main temples of Vrindavan

Day 8 - Varshana, Govardhan, Radha kunda)

Day 9 - Trip to Agra (Taj Mahal - wonder of the world). Fatehpur Sikri - the lost city.

Day 10 - Jaipur, Govindaji Temple, Sun Temple. Palace of the Winds, Radha Gopinath Temple Day 11 - Jaipur, Amber Fort

Day 12 - Jaipur-Delhi Free time for shopping

Day 13 - Departure from Delhi

Yoga classes, meditation, practices for opening the heart, immersion in the superconscious and subconscious.

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