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Surrounded by the magnificence of the Himalayas, this tour to Rishikesh region is one of awe inspiring beauty with Ganga water, vast forests of pine and deodar, tumbling rivers and ancient Temples to feast the eyes.

Rishikesh, the Tapo Bhumi or the place of meditation for the Gods nestles at the foot of the Himalayas. Flanked by hills on three sides and by the Ganges on the fourth, it is a place of surpassing natural beauty. Rishikesh has something to offer all kinds of visitors. Numerous temples attract the devout Hindus while the banks of the Ganga are strewn with the habitats of sadhus and yogis.

Rishikesh – yoga capital of the world, famous for its ashrams on the banks of Ganges. Rishikesh is a holy town for Hindus and located in the foothills of the Himalaya in northern India.

Yoga is the inner journey, or the path to us and to God. Inner and outer are intertwined very closely in yoga.Yoga is many things to many people, but in its full potential the practice of yoga can provide the means to transform suffering into happiness. 

At sunset, Pujya Swami led the Ganga Aarti on the bank of the river Ganga, which is the most sacred of India’s rivers. I found this a very impressive and beautiful ceremony, where deepas (oil lamps) are offered to God. The essence of the ceremony is that all day long God offers us the light of the sun, life and his blessings. Aarti is a time when we offer back the light of our thanks, the light of our love and devotion. We realize that the small deepa is nothing compared to the divine light which shines on us all day. So, Aarti is a ceremony of humility, a time in which we acknowledge that "God, you are everything. I am nothing. All day you shine upon the world. All I can offer you is this small deepa, a flame which will be blown out by the passing wind. But, I offer it with devotion and with love. Please accept my offering."

Traditionally, ashrams were located far from human habitation, in forests or mountainous regions, amidst refreshing natural surroundings conducive to spiritual instruction and meditation. The residents of an ashram regularly perform spiritual and physical exercises, such as the various forms of Yoga. Today an ashram can be from a simple place where the guru and his disciples reside to a highly complex one with schools for religious education, guest houses, medical care and a host of charitable enterprises.

The term "yoga" comes from a Sanskrit word which means "to join" or "unite". Yoga aims at bringing the different bodily functions into perfect harmony so that they work for the good of the whole body. Disharmony in various body parts and systems can cause diseases. From the physical body, yoga moves on to mental and spiritual levels.

Optional Excursions

Nature lovers should make the Rajaji National Park at Chilla, 20 kms from Rishikesh their next stop. A reservoir fed by the Ganges is a favourite watering hole for the animals and they can be viewed in large numbers. A tourist lodge near the sanctuary provides adequate rooms for the visitors.

Fifteen kms on the Rishikesh- Chamba road is located the historical town of Narendra Nagar. Built by the King of Tehri, Narendra Singh the royal palace and the magnificent Nandi Bull attract attention. 

Devprayag, the site of the holy meeting of the Alaknanda and the Bhagirathi, is another stop-over for the pilgrim. It also houses the ancient Raghunath temple.


Day 1 - New Delhi - Rishikesh. Ganga Arati. accommodation, rest.

Day 2 - Rishikesh.  Vashishatha Gufa Ashram. Waterfall.

Day 3 - Rishikesh. Kunja Puri Templet, shopping.

Day 4 - Transfer to New Delhi.

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